Welcome to the iPad app request program. Use this page in order to request apps to be installed on your devices. Since we serve multiple programs within Clermont County and other areas we specific and unique applications that fit the associated program or specialized area to whom the device is assigned to.

Each iPad is equipped with specific apps that are suited for each specialty or service area. We strive at CCESC to ensure our staff and students have the best possible outcomes from provided technology interactions and therapies delivered by CCESC staff members.

In order to do so CCESC must maintain an inventory of purchased apps, users, and physical devices in order to maintain quality of service and regulatory software compliance of the iPad program.

If you find that for some reason your CCESC issued iPad does not have the app you need at your disposal. Please fill out the associated correct form:

- iPad Request form (Free Apps)
- iPad Request form (Paid Apps)


  • How do I get an CCESC issued iPad?

    A: These are issued by the Technology Department through the CCESC Supervisors based upon need. 

    ** Please contact your Supervisor to put in a request.

  • Why can I not load my own apps?

    A: Our program has now grown so large in order to track & deploy software purchases the licensing

    and configurations now have to be tracked in a more efficient manner.

  • Should I login to my personal iTunes account?

    No at this time no login is required to load apps.  Due to licensing /purchasing restrictions please

    complete either the Free Apps or Paid Apps request form.


  • When my devices says I need to do an Apple iOS update should I do it?

    A: The answer is Yes. CCESC now deploys these updates on a regular basis for security


    To Update Go to General >> Settings >>Software Update